You Have Bad Taste in Music
This is, by far the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
Needs quicktime.
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Amateur Revolution
From astronomy to computing, networks of amateurs are displacing the pros and spawning some of the greatest innovations.
You have got to check out OEM radio. This would still be my favourite radio station. However, I haven’t listened to much else in the last few months – I’ve pretty much know all the songs better than my own music collection at this point.
Listen to it, you’ll also be hooked pretty fast. This is by far the best collection of Original Electronic Music around right now. Thanks Maer !! I didn’t really expect much less from you anyway…
“A Fox News ad at Rockefeller Center, located roughly one block from the network’s studio and headquarters. Hume, Hannity, Van Susteren, and the other guys? Their visages were left unmarked. Maybe these acts of defacement just mean that O’Reilly is a bad boss?”
Jess has a gig 9/11 @ the bazaar cafe
I’m going to Jess Ivry’s gig tonight. Here are the details:
String World & roots music with classical, jazz & pop sensibilities….Diverse, eclectic & flavorful.
Irene Sazer and the world vocal string quartet perform original works and arrangements.
—Irene Sazer, violin & voice Kate Stenberg, violin Dina Maccabee, viola Jess Ivry, cello & voice —
The Bazaar Café
Saturday September 11th7 p.m.
5627 California at 21st Ave. in San Francisco415-831-5620
“String dance on a fiddle silk road knocked the audience wild with glee as Irene Sazer and her circle of strings shook out the rafters….”—The Pacifica Tribune