Molly Ivins at truthout sez:

I wouldn’t go calling anyone a liar, but as we say in our quaint Texas fashion, this administration is stuffed with people who are on a first-name basis with the bottom of the deck. They’ve been telling us only four out of the 18 provinces in Iraq will be too unsafe to vote in. Doesn’t sound that bad, does it? Unless you happen to know that about 50 percent of the population lives in those four provinces.

Here in the National Laboratory for Bad Government, we are happy to help out by showing everyone else how not to solve problems, but it’s really annoying when Bush insists on taking what didn’t work here and making it nationwide….Not that I’m accusing anyone of lying, of course, but these people are slicker than bus station chili. Count your change when dealing with Bushies.

Listening to Right Now -Move – Oakland – Charlie Hunter – Stand String Mix 2003 (6:11)

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