Well, we are back. The trip home was over 24 hours long, and some of our luggage took even longer to get back. They made me check my carry on luggage on the way home, which proved to be a really, really bad idea, since this included my laptop, which never came back at all,

Which brings me to the good news (for you) – most of the second weeks pictures are gone forever, and I won’t be forcing them on you. I still have the rainy few days we spent in Nice – really not much to look at, but almost the entire visit to Avignon is sitting on the lap of some shit-for-brains theif, along with my little mp3 player.
The good news (for me) is that I had backed up everything from Paris, so all the panoramas and the hundred of pictures I hadn’t foisted on you from there isn’t gone; after throwing away the useless ones, I probably posted about one picture in ten. Avignon was very pretty, but at least that’s something.

The better news (for me) was that it was work laptop so I’m not exactly out a laptop myself. It was on it’s last legs, too – I’d already sent in a request to have it replaced before it completely fell apart.

Oh well. The fucker.

In the future, please make sure that you don’t check you laptop, or anything else you think you might want to keep for yourself.

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